Join enables a new intranet that makes 60 editors and 550 readers happy

ONTRAS operates the 7,700 kilometer long-distance pipeline network in eastern Germany and is responsible for the reliable and efficient transport of gas energy. It is actively shaping the energy market of the future, contributing ideas and developing sustainable solutions for its infrastructure. In doing so, ONTRAS relies on reliable technology, many years of experience and the most important asset: a dedicated team! ONTRAS has made it its mission to put people first. In doing so, it directs its focus on them and creates the framework and space for satisfaction and motivation. Working together requires a new togetherness, especially due to the challenges of the digital transformation.
To make the infrastructure ready for a renewable gas supply, ONTRAS is planning and implementing numerous projects together with partner companies. However, ONTRAS does not only focus on the actual core business, but also on the best possible conditions for working efficiently, transparently and networked with each other as well as making knowledge and information extensively available and shared within the company.
In the course of the introduction of Microsoft 365, Join GmbH was tasked with redesigning the internal communication platform “ONTRAS.Connet” based on SharePoint Online in the ONTRAS Group. The intended intranet solution was to be modularly expandable as well as accessible from mobile devices. It was important to involve all users from all departments of the ONTRAS Group in order to ensure the highest possible user satisfaction with the new solution. In order to achieve this, two discovery workshops were initially held during the conception phase to identify the weak points of the old system. In this phase, wishes of the users could be recorded in order to fulfill them later. An agile approach and a constant exchange between ONTRAS and Join made it possible to implement the new intranet without any problems.
By switching from SharePoint on premise to SharePoint Online, all users, consisting of approximately 60 editors and 550 reading employees, can now also access the intranet conveniently from their mobile devices via the SharePoint app. SharePoint Online now offers them a simpler, more modern and customizable user interface, and the pictorial representation of individual topics and the new document search function ensure that files can be found much more easily. Thanks to the mobile accessibility of the system and the “subscription function”, all employees of the ONTRAS Group always remain up to date – even while on the road.
Editors can also work more efficiently with the new system. ONTRAS.Connect based on SharePoint Online enables faster creation of pages and offers more flexibility in design. In addition, the backend management has become easier and the very rare problem reports illustrate the consistency of the system.
„With the new ONTRAS.Connect, we have created an intranet that integrates very well into the Microsoft365 landscape of ONTRAS and offers many advantages for our users and editors. The variety & flexibility of the appearance brings variety not only to the editorial team, but also to the users. The now easier access to the intranet on the go and the subscription function create significant added value“
– Peggy Werner, ONTRAS Corporate Communications