Join supports Berlin on its way to becoming a smart city destination

In a press release from July 6th 2022, our new customer, visitBerlin, informed the public about the signing of a cooperation agreement for the development of a smart tourism database for Berlin.
After Thuringia and Hesse, visitBerlin (Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH) has thus also decided on the technical implementation of its own smart tourism database for Join. Tourist information of the city, e.g. about hotels, sights, museums, restaurants and events, can thus be stored in a machine-readable format in a digital data pool, consolidated and made usable for many applications. We are very much looking forward to working with visitBerlin.
Burkhard Kieker, CEO of visitBerlin, says of the project: “With our new data hub, we are making tourism in Berlin a bit smarter and creating the technical foundations to remain in the top group in the international competition among city destinations in the future.”
Find out more in our digital magazine LINKIT about how Join’s database solution helps Thuringia’s tourism to make guests’ stay more pleasant through personalised, high-quality and always up-to-date content.