Trust, Track & Trace

The need for proof for standards, certificates or government regulations is growing more and more. Until now, these information could only be obtained through manual processes involving media breaks. This entails enormous costs, especially with widely branched supplier networks.

Through our innovative Trust, Track & Trace solution, it is possible to digitally and directly source the documents important for the proof of standards from the supplier network in order to meet the changing market and regulatory requirements.

Gain and maintain digital trust

Via a digital interface, a supplier is given the opportunity to upload certificates, which must be provided anyway, and to provide digital verifications. The advantage: The supplier does not have to be auditable by each customer individually - once digital trust has been obtained, it can be easily transported to the next customer.


Trust and reliability through blockchain technology - data cannot be manipulated. The author of the data is securely verifiable and clearly traceable and no middleman is needed to access data such as trade secrets or supply chain composition.


Tracking not only allows to identify where in the process problems and difficulties occur, but also where in the process a product was manufactured with which parameters.


Tracing allows to track the processing status within (multi-stage) production processes. This not only maximizes planning reliability. At the same time, it also enables a faster reaction to unforeseeable events and delays. In the next step, subsequent process steps and processes can be thoroughly optimized.

Join ist ist ein offenes Blockchain Ökosystem auf dem jedes Unternehmen schnell und sicher eigene Geschäftsmodelle und Projekte aufbauen kann. Es bietet die Basis für den sicheren Datenaustausch in flexiblen Unternehmenspartnerschaften, ohne die Hoheit über die eigenen Daten zu verlieren.

Betrieben und weiterentwickelt wird das als konsortiale Blockchain von den teilnehmenden Unternehmen und verfügt damit im Gegensatz zu vielen private Chain Lösungen, über eine tatsächlich dezentrale Architektur.


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